German Domino Record 2018

Yesterday evening, 596,229 dominoes toppled at the German Domino Record 2018 event. This impressive figure marked the achievement of a new German record for the most dominoes toppled in the jam-packed Mittelstufenhalle venue.
10 Years of Sinners Domino Entertainment
Yesterday, Sinners Domino Entertainment smashed the record for Germany’s longest chain reaction, which had previously stood at 537,938 dominoes. The group also achieved an impressive rate of dominoes toppled, namely 99.25% of those constructed. For the tenth anniversary of Sinners Domino Entertainment, the event was the largest domino show in the world over the last decade. And what’s more, the superlatives for the hugely successful event, which was held under the motto “Celebrating Anniversary – 10 Years Sinners Domino Entertainment”, don’t end there.
Three new world records
At 10:17pm on the dot, the main sponsor Rainer Lapp set the first of 600,751 dominoes in motion. Only a few moments later, a ball made its way over to the centre of the world’s largest domino spiral, measuring over seven metres in diameter. 99,919 dominoes toppled in the spiral, marking a world record. Shortly after this, the 21,600 dominoes in the “Largest domino cube” and the 53,230 dominoes in the 50.653-metre-long “Longest domino wall” also achieved new records. As the dominoes in the one-metre-high wall toppled, they revealed 50 photographs depicting the most wonderful domino moments from the past ten years.
A nostalgic look back at past achievements
Together with the flashbacks from past projects that were shown in interviews accompanying the event, these images caused nostalgia to sweep through the hall, which had been converted into a production studio for the occasion. The international audience in Nidda was treated to “domino entertainment of the finest quality”, as was perfectly summarised by the event host Jonas Schreiner. Pyrotechnic effects and 141 spotlights were yet again used to create a unique live show atmosphere.
Creative designs covering an area of 1,000 square metres
Extra suspense was added to the event by the “Builders’ Challenge” featuring the builder Justin Kühn. Suspended from a rope at a height of three metres, he closed a total of three gaps as the chain reaction fast approached. By doing so, he allowed the toppling dominoes to continue on to the next impressive design: the world-famous gun barrel motif from the title sequence of James Bond, created using more than 20,000 dominoes. Other highlights of the show included a three-metre-high jungle temple, a replica village made of dominoes and a five-metre-high wish tree. The entire setup covered an area of 1,000 square metres.
The last German Domino Record event for the time being
At the end of the show, Patrick Sinner, Producer of the German Domino Record, declared: “The show that has developed to become what is now the largest domino event in the world since 2008 has today celebrated a spectacular finale at this anniversary showcase. We have been working on this production for more than a year. The entire coordination and building team is incredibly happy with the result and we could not have hoped for more. Our many years of tireless work have, however, also had an impact on us, which is precisely why we wanted this truly remarkable show to live up to our past successes and mark the impressive conclusion of the show for the time being. It’s been an amazing format and we’ve had a wonderful time. After tonight’s achievements, we are therefore looking back on the event with mixed emotions.
Praise and thanks
The former CDU Secretary-General, Dr Peter Tauber; Minister of State Lucia Puttrich (CDU); the Mayor of Nidda, Hans-Peter Seum (independent), and his Kefenrod counterpart Rudolf Kessler (CDU) congratulated the team and praised its work, referring to its remarkable finesse in creating an extremely exciting and entertaining event.
Sinners Domino Entertainment would like to take this opportunity to thank the event’s sponsors: the supermarket REWE Rainer Lapp, the construction company Baugesellschaft Wolfgang Sperling & Partner, the butcher’s and catering service Landmetzgerei und Partyservice Heiko Nagel and the storage operations company Gesellschaft für Lagereibetriebe Hans Gerlach. Further thanks go to Deko-Studio Schwab and the Bäckerei Naumann bakery for their support, as well as the team from the Tonstudio Dachstein sound studio, which was responsible for the event technology.
The highlights:
- The German record for the most dominoes toppled
- The world record for the “Largest domino spiral”
- The world record for the “Largest domino cube”
- The world record for the “Longest domino wall”
- A one-of-a-kind live show atmosphere thanks to backgrounds, spotlights and pyrotechnics
More information and press coverage:
Kreis-Anzeiger (DE): Deutscher Domino Rekord in Nidda geknackt
Wetterauer Zeitung (DE): Drei Weltrekorde (DE): 596.229 Dominos gefallen
TAG24 (DE): Falltastisch! Drei Domino-Weltrekorde geknackt (DE): Deutsche stellten neue Weltrekorde im Domino auf
Video SAT.1 17:30 Live (DE): Erfolgreicher Domino Rekord in Nidda
Video (DE): Domino-Weltrekord in Hessen aufgestellt
Video Right This Minute (EN): Breaking Records with 600,000 dominoes display