Hirzenhain Guild Fair Domino Logo 2013

At the opening ceremony of the Hirzenhain Guild Fair, the guild’s logo, created using more than 15,000 dominoes, caused a great deal of excitement among both guests and exhibitors alike. A team from Sinners Domino Entertainment had prepared the domino structure the previous day.
An opening ceremony with a domino event
“The Hirzenhain Guild Fair represents the entrepreneurial diversity of the Wetterau region like virtually no other event. The fact that it is so popular among the local population makes it an excellent platform on which companies can showcase their products and services. We were thrilled to contribute to the event by creating the guild’s logo out of dominoes for the opening ceremony of the fair. For all exhibitors and attendees, it was a fun addition to the many speeches held that day”, stated Patrick Sinner, who came up with the idea and organised the project on behalf of Sinners Domino Entertainment, after the opening of the trade fair.
A regional trade fair
After events in both 2009 and 2011, the third instalment of the Hirzenhain Guild Fair took place on the Buderus Industrial Site last weekend. The focuses of the event revolved around the fields of construction, the automotive trade, health, accessibility, tourism and new technologies. Guests at the opening ceremony included the District Administrator Joachim Arnold, the President of the Wiesbaden Chamber of Crafts and Skilled Trades, Klaus Repp, and the Vice-President of the Giessen-Friedberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Dr Angelika Schleffke.
The highlights:
- A domino PR event for the opening ceremony of a trade fair
- A guild logo created with more than 15,000 dominoes
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