Using collaboration as a kick-off challenge

PayPal Domino Teambuilding Event in Berlin


170 employees, 20,000 dominoes and one goal: a huge domino chain reaction. Sinners Domino Entertainment recently organised an interactive domino team challenge at the kick-off meeting 2019 of the financial service provider PayPal.

The motto: “Collaboration”
With the motto of “Collaboration”, the event held for the PayPal locations in the DACH region (Austria, Germany and Switzerland) had the ideal theme for a domino challenge. The employees were set the task of producing a domino chain reaction with three levels of difficulty in 90 minutes, supported by coaching from our experienced domino experts.

Fun, enthusiasm and teamwork
“Dominoes represent teamwork, creativity, communication, dexterity and finesse like no other teambuilding activity. The idea of working in a team to achieve something together is the core element that makes domino sessions so attractive to event organisers. The PayPal Domino Business Challenge shows how not only engineers with a technical background but also employees from all departments come up with their own creative solutions and are full of enthusiasm about the fun experience of creating something extraordinary”, stated Patrick Sinner, Project Manager at Sinners Domino Entertainment, in his summary of the event.

The highlights:

  • Dominoes as a teambuilding event
  • 20,000 dominoes constructed
  • Encouraging teamwork, creativity and communication
  • Active involvement of 170 employees




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