Today: The German Domino Record 2018

There are only a few hours to go and the excitement is building. This evening, the German Domino Record is taking place for the third time in Nidda, this time with an impressive 600,000 dominoes.
Chasing records on the 10th anniversary of SDE
The event will not only be Germany’s biggest chain reaction ever but also represent the largest domino show anywhere in the world over the last decade. What’s more, Sinners Domino Entertainment will also celebrate its tenth anniversary and wants to mark the occasion by setting three world records for the Guinness book: in the disciplines “Largest domino spiral”, “Largest domino cube” and “Longest domino wall”.
A construction period of two weeks
“Spectators can look forward to a spectacular show accompanied by 141 spotlights and impressive pyrotechnic features. We took a number of significant risks when planning the show and managed to come up with what are by far the most extraordinary and the most beautiful designs we have ever created over the past ten years. No effort was spared and this is clearly visible in the outstanding setup that we have constructed. I hope that this evening, the team will be rewarded for all of its hard work over the past two weeks. Even overnight, our builders were working hard to have the 50-metre-long world’s longest domino wall ready by this morning. We are excited to see what the evening will bring!” declared Patrick Sinner, Project Manager and Producer of the German Domino Record, this afternoon.
Admission from 9pm
The event will be attended by the notary Richard Trunk, who will ensure that the setup complies with the stipulated regulations with the support of the engineer Frank Paprocki. The start of the chain reaction will be triggered by a long-standing partner of Sinners Domino Entertainment: the REWE businessman Rainer Lapp. Other guests will include Dr Peter Tauber, a Member of the German Federal Parliament and the former CDU Secretary-General; the Minister of State Lucia Puttrich and the Mayor of Nidda, Hans-Peter Seum. The doors of the Mittelstufenhalle hall in Nidda will be open to spectators from 9pm. A few remaining tickets are still available.
The highlights:
- German Domino Record celebrates its 10th anniversary
- The biggest domino show of the decade
- 600,000 dominoes constructed
- Several world record attempts for the Guinness World Records
More information and press coverage:
Kreis-Anzeiger (DE): Spannung steigt vor dem Anstoß
Kreis-Anzeiger (DE): 600.000 Steine für die neue Rekordjagd
Gießener Allgemeine (DE): 600.000 Dominosteine, fünf Rekordversuche
TAG24 (DE): 600.000 Dominosteine sollen mehrere Rekorde brechen
T-Online (DE): Für Rekord sollen 600.000 Dominosteine fallen